Free Shipping On Order Over $30. Excludes Print On-Demand Merch, Spray Paint. No Sales Tax On All Orders.

Hello Patrons, you will see most GW products are missing on the Website. We were just informed by GW that retailers are only allowed to use their retail packaging photo and we are only allowed to list box contents. As a result we are having to delete most GW products from our site. We will be creating the products on the page to meet these requirements. This will take time. Please contact us via Chat or Call the shop for stock.

Custom Canvas and Vinyl Products

{{ page_title }}

{%- assign blocks = section.blocks | sort: 'collection.all_products_count' -%} {% case section.settings.grid %} {% when 2 %} {%- assign grid_item_width = 'medium-up--one-half' -%} {%- assign image_size = '530x' -%} {% when 3 %} {%- assign grid_item_width = 'small--one-half medium-up--one-third' -%} {%- assign image_size = '350x' -%} {% when 4 %} {%- assign grid_item_width = 'small--one-half medium-up--one-quarter' -%} {%- assign image_size = '250x' -%} {% when 5 %} {%- assign grid_item_width = 'small--one-half medium-up--one-fifth' -%} {%- assign image_size = '225x' -%} {% endcase %}
    {% if section.settings.display_type == 'all' %} {% case section.settings.sort %} {% when 'products_high' or 'products_low' %} {%- assign collections = collections | sort: 'all_products_count' -%} {% when 'date' or 'date_reversed' %} {%- assign collections = collections | sort: 'published_at' -%} {% endcase %} {% if section.settings.sort == 'products_low' or section.settings.sort == 'date' or section.settings.sort == 'alphabetical' %} {% for collection in collections %}
  • {% include 'collection-grid-item', collection_image_size: image_size %}
  • {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for collection in collections reversed %}
  • {% include 'collection-grid-item', collection_image_size: image_size %}
  • {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% for block in section.blocks %}
  • {%- assign collection = collections[block.settings.collection] -%} {% include 'collection-grid-item', collection_image_size: image_size %}
  • {% endfor %} {% endif %}
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Per personalizzare il tuo elenco, scegli \"Selezionato\" e aggiungi delle collezioni.", "ja": "すべてのコレクションがデフォルトで一覧表示されます。一覧をカスタマイズするには、「選択済み」を選択してコレクションを追加します。", "pt-BR": "Todas as suas coleções são listadas por padrão. Para personalizar sua lista, escolha \"Selecionado\" e adicione coleções." } }, { "type": "radio", "id": "display_type", "label": { "de": "Collections auswählen, die angezeigt werden sollen", "en": "Select collections to show", "es": "Selecciona colecciones para mostrar", "fr": "Sélectionner les collections à afficher", "it": "Seleziona le collezioni da mostrare", "ja": "表示するコレクションを選択する", "pt-BR": "Selecione coleções para exibir" }, "default": "all", "options": [ { "value": "all", "label": { "de": "Alle", "en": "All", "es": "Todas", "fr": "Toutes", "it": "Tutti", "ja": "すべて", "pt-BR": "Tudo" } }, { "value": "selected", "label": { "de": "Ausgewählt", "en": "Selected", "es": "Seleccionadas", "fr": "Sélection", "it": "Selezionato", "ja": "選択済み", "pt-BR": "Selecionado" } } ] }, { "type": "select", "id": "sort", "label": { "de": "Kategorien sortieren nach:", "en": "Sort collections by:", "es": "Ordenar colecciones por:", "fr": "Trier les collections par:", "it": "Ordina le collezioni per:", "ja": "コレクションの並べ替え方法:", "pt-BR": "Ordenar coleções por:" }, "info": { "de": "Sortieren funktioniert nur, wenn 'Alle' ausgewählt ist", "en": "Sorting only applies when 'All' is selected", "es": "La función ordenar solo se aplica cuando se selecciona \"Todas\"", "fr": "Le tri ne s'applique que lorsque “Toutes“ est sélectionné", "it": "L'ordinamento viene applicato solo quanto è selezionato \"Tutto\"", "ja": "「すべて」が選択されている場合にのみ並べ替えを適用する", "pt-BR": "A classificação só se aplica quando \"Tudo\" está selecionado" }, "default": "alphabetical", "options": [ { "value": "products_high", "label": { "de": "Produktanzahl, hoch zu niedrig", "en": "Product count, high to low", "es": "Recuento de productos, de mayor a menor", "fr": "Nombre de produits, ordre décroissant", "it": "Conteggio decrescente prodotti", "ja": "商品数の多い順", "pt-BR": "Contagem de produtos, alta para baixa" } }, { "value": "products_low", "label": { "de": "Produktanzahl, niedrig zu hoch", "en": "Product count, low to high", "es": "Recuento de productos, de menor a mayor", "fr": "Nombre de produits, ordre croissant", "it": "Conteggio crescente prodotti", "ja": "商品数の少ない順", "pt-BR": "Contagem de produtos, baixa para alta" } }, { "value": "alphabetical", "label": { "de": "Alphabetisch, A-Z", "en": "Alphabetically, A-Z", "es": "Alfabéticamente, A-Z", "fr": "Alphabétique, A-Z", "it": "In ordine alfabetico, A - Z", "ja": "アルファベット順、 A-Z", "pt-BR": "Ordem alfabética, A–Z" } }, { "value": "alphabetical_reversed", "label": { "de": "Alphabetisch, Z-A", "en": "Alphabetically, Z-A", "es": "Alfabéticamente, Z-A", "fr": "Alphabétique, Z-A", "it": "In ordine alfabetico, Z - A", "ja": "アルファベット順、 Z-A", "pt-BR": "Ordem alfabética, Z–A" } }, { "value": "date", "label": { "de": "Datum, alt zu neu", "en": "Date, old to new", "es": "Fecha: antiguo(a) a reciente", "fr": "Date, anciennes à récentes", "it": "Data, dal più vecchio al più recente", "ja": "古い商品順", "pt-BR": "Data, mais antiga primeiro" } }, { "value": "date_reversed", "label": { "de": "Datum, neu zu alt", "en": "Date, new to old", "es": "Fecha: reciente a antiguo(a)", "fr": "Date, récentes à anciennes", "it": "Data, dal più recente al più vecchio", "ja": "新着順", "pt-BR": "Data, mais recente primeiro" } } ] }, { "type": "range", "id": "grid", "label": { "de": "Kategorien per Reihe", "en": "Collections per row", "es": "Colecciones por fila", "fr": "Collections par rangée", "it": "Collezioni per riga", "ja": "行あたりのコレクション数", "pt-BR": "Coleções por linha" }, "default": 3, "min": 2, "max": 5, "step": 1 } ], "blocks": [ { "type": "collection", "name": { "de": "Kategorie", "en": "Collection", "es": "Colección", "fr": "Collection", "it": "Collezione", "ja": "コレクション", "pt-BR": "Coleção" }, "settings": [ { "label": { "de": "Kategorie", "en": "Collection", "es": "Colección", "fr": "Collection", "it": "Collezione", "ja": "コレクション", "pt-BR": "Coleção" }, "id": "collection", "type": "collection" } ] } ] } {% endschema %}